YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin’s 160 acres include rolling hills, fields, woods, waterfront access on beautiful Barlow Lake, hiking trails, various program areas, cabins and meeting spaces. We encourage you to schedule a tour with a staff member to see firsthand what our beautiful and historic property has to offer. Experience a week where the outdoors is the center of FUN and lasting friendships are made. 

Mini Camp - $465

Ages: Completed K-4th Grades • Co-Ed

Want to try Overnight Camp for the first time? Test the waters with Mini Camp – a condensed version that’s 3 days and 2 nights long. Campers can choose to come Sunday through Tuesday or Wednesday through Friday to get a taste of what Overnight Camp is all about.

June 8-10 or June 11-13
Spies & Ninjas
June 15-17 or June 18-20
Minecraft & Mario
June 22-24 or June 25-27

Traditional Overnight Camp - $815

Ages: Completed 2nd-8th Grades Co-Ed

During our Overnight Camp, your camper will enjoy traditional camp activities, from the opening campfire to arts and crafts, boating, swimming and our farewell fire on the closing night of camp. Our dynamic programming curriculum allows each campers’ experience to grow every year. As campers get older, they are able to add new components to traditional activities and brand new opportunities to their YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin experience.

June 8-13
Spies & Ninjas
June 15-20
Minecraft & Mario
June 22-27
June 29-July 4
Stars & Stripes
July 6-11
Harry Potter
July 13-18
Star Wars
July 20-25
July 27-August 1

Horse Overnight Camp - $1075

Ages: Completed 2nd-8th Grades Co-Ed

If you are looking for a more in-depth riding experience, and love to spend time with horses, this camp is for you! Get to know the horses, as well as how to care for and feed them. Campers will be placed in groups according to their experience level – from beginner to advanced – and will participate in daily riding lessons. Our lessons include learning and/or refining English and Western styles, with opportunities for trail rides, vaulting, round penning, roping, driving, and much more. Includes an equine-related trip or guest speaker.  Campers will also be able to participate in traditional camp activities.

June 8-13
Spies & Ninjas
June 15-20
Minecraft & Mario
June 22-27
Not Available
Not Available
July 6-11
Harry Potter
July 13-18
Star Wars
July 20-25
July 27-August 1

Additional Camp Information

  • What to Expect


    1. Overnight camp check-in takes place on Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Please do not arrive early, as our staff will not be prepared to welcome campers until 2:00pm.

    2. Please use the entrance marked Cheff Lodge YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin and park in our main parking lot. Camp staff will greet you, give your camper’s cabin assignment, and show you where to leave your camper’s luggage. PLEASE BRING ALL MEDICATION SEPARATE FROM YOUR LUGGAGE.

    3. If you will be arriving late due to unforeseen circumstances, please call us as soon as possible to communicate those changes by calling us at 269-795-9063. You will check-in at the Welcome Center (by main parking lot) if you are a late arrival.

    4. You will be directed to enter Cheff Lodge, where the rest of the check-in process will take place. Our staff will confirm our child’s name, cabin placement, and your contact information. Your child will be screened for head lice. Our Camp Nurse will be present to accept all medications and answer any questions you may have. You will also have the opportunity to speak with our Food Service Director if you have questions or concerns about food allergies or dietary restrictions. Our Camp Store will be open if you would like to purchase any CML gear for your camper before your departure.

    5. Campers will be directed towards their cabins by camp staff located around the property. You can walk your child to their cabin, meet their counselors, and help them get settled into their bunk. We aim to have all luggage delivered to cabins before your departure, but we appreciate your patience in the event of a delay.

    Cabin groups are assigned by age, grade, and gender. We make every effort to place campers with mutually requested cabin-mates submitted via Camper Information form within your Camp Brain account. We will not be able to accommodate requests made at the time of check-in.

    After you have helped your child get unpacked and make their bed, give them a kiss and say goodbye with a big smile! We have found that positive parents help make for positive campers.


    Camp sessions end on Friday afternoon and pickup runs from 3:00pm to 5:15pm, sessions conclude via curbside pickup.

    1. Pull into the Main Camp Entrance and follow any posted signs that relate to the check out process. If you have a camper in a Day Camp program during the same session, we suggest driving to the Day Camp entrance and picking up that camper before getting in the Overnight Camp checkout line.

    2. Camp staff will ask for either a valid photo ID or an overnight camp check-out card (provided during check-in). Please make sure that the adult picking up your camper has been listed as an authorized pickup in your CampBrain account.

    3. If you dropped off medication during check-in, the empty container or remaining medication will be returned to you.

    4. Camp staff will give you an end-of-session folder. There will be a photo of your camper with their cabin, a note from the camp counselor, information about upcoming events, and an option to make a donation to camp in honor of your child’s favorite camp counselor.

    5. We will help gather your camper and their luggage and deliver both to your vehicle.

    6. Exit at the south corner and we’ll see you in 2025!


    If you need to pick up your camper before 4:30pm on Friday, arrangements must be made with camp administration prior to the last day of camp. Please call or email us to discuss early pick-up needs.

  • Getting Ready For Camp


    Camp Manitou-Lin has a NO CELL PHONE policy at camp. Not only are cell phones expensive to replace when they are lost or damaged at camp, but cell phones also interfere with your camper becoming more independent. We understand that parents take a leap of faith by sending their campers to spend time away from home. Unfortunately, when wellintentioned parents send a cell phone to camp ‘just in case’ the camper needs to call home, the message is, “We love you but don’t trust that you are ready to solve challenges on your own.” Having a cell phone prevents our counselors and staff f om addressing problems that might arise and using that experience to help your child grow.

    We will reach out to you if your camper is experiencing a challenge in their adjustment to camp. You can help by talking to your child before they leave for camp and telling them that there is always someone they can reach out to, whether it be their counselor, a camp specialist, the camp nurse or the camp administration. Cell phones brought to camp will be kept locked and returned to the parent at checkout. Please express your trust in our staff and in your child by insisting cell phones stay at home.

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    Please complete your forms online in your Camp Brain account. These forms are due at least two (2) weeks before your child’s session begins. Please take the time to fill these forms out carefully — these are required before a camper can be admitted. If your child is attending more than one week of camp, you only need to fill out one set of forms.

    1. Medical Form: Campers cannot be admitted to camp without a fully completed and signed medical form. This important medical information will help our staff p ovide better programs and supervision for your child. Please be as specific as p ssible—all information is completely confident al, and your answers will help guide our staff o provide the best possible experience for your camper. The more information you can provide, the better!

    2. Activity Form: This form allows you to select your camper’s afternoon activity that they will attend Monday through Thursday.

    3. Camper Information Form: MANDATORY – This form provides us with critical information about your child’s development and readiness for camp. OPTIONAL – You may request ONE trail group mate/ bunk mate request of the same or similar age (within 1-2 years). We do our best to accommodate these requests but do not guarantee a match.

    4. Camper Photo: OPTIONAL – Please consider uploading a current photo of your camper under the “documents” section to help us identify them on the first day!

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    Families are asked to self-monitor and conduct the following pre-screening procedures for 10 days before the start of their camper’s session:

    1. Nobody likes to feel sick at camp, to assist us with this please self-screen for presence of illness in those days leading up to camp.

    2. If a camper has been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for or quarantined as a result of COVID-19 in the 10 days leading up to your program, please inform us. Campers may be asked to provide a negative COVID-19 test or reschedule to a future session (at no charge to you).

    read more

    There is no formula for when a child is ready for the overnight camp experience, but the number one characteristic of a happy camper is that the camper WANTS to be at camp. The following information can act as a guide to preparing your child for their first time at camp.


    Many campers fare better if they are able to see where they’ll be spending a week during the summer. Consider visiting us during one of our summer camp open house dates (May 19, 2024 from 2 to 5pm) to take a guided tour and experience some activities. If you are unable to attend an open house, please call us at 269.795.9163 to arrange a tour with a director.



    Developing realistic expectations about camp is important. Spending a week at camp can be a wonderful experience, and it is important to make sure your camper understands it may not be fun every minute – there may be problems to solve, cabins to keep tidy, tables to set and new skills to develop. Learning and challenging yourself is all part of the camp experience. Making friends and building confidence are also integral parts of the camp experience.

    Campers should be open to sharing about themselves, trying new things, and helping others. Camp is physically active, with long days spent outside. Participating fully allows for campers to get the most out of their experience.

    read more


    At Camp Manitou-Lin, we emphasize the YMCA core values of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility, and inclusion. Although we are guided by Christian principles, we welcome and celebrate campers of all faiths and backgrounds. Daily chapel, thoughts for the day, graces, and vespers emphasize our YMCA core values. These core values are a part of all we do at Camp Manitou-Lin. Our entire camp family is expected to promote themselves in such a way as to model the core values.

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    Campers are expected to behave in the safe, Caring, Honest, Respectful, Responsible and Inclusive manner modeled by our staff. Parents will be contacted if camper behavior is not acceptable and parents will be informed about the steps that are being taken to improve the behavior. Failure to abide by YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin’s rules and guidelines can result in dismissal from camp. No refunds are given if a child leaves early because of disruptive behavior as determined by the camp administration.

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    Occasionally a camper becomes homesick. Our staff are prepared and trained to respond to homesickness. This can be overcome and will help the camper in developing independence and increased self-respect. Should it be in the best interest of the camper, the camp administration will contact the parent/guardian. Please find additional resources for homesickness at the end of this Parent Guide.

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    Be sure to carefully communicate any allergies and dietary restrictions on your camper’s Medical Form, including food allergies. This will ensure our kitchen can prepare appropriate meals and snacks for your child.


    We love to celebrate summer camp birthdays! Let us know if your camper has a birthday while at camp so we can snap a photo of them in the Birthday Chair. We will email a copy to you, so you can share in their special day.


    Parents/Guardians are expected to provide transportation to and from YMCA Camp Manitou- Lin. Driving directions are available on our website and are included in this packet. If your camper’s travel plan needs to change, please call or email our camp office with that information as soon as possible. This includes late arrival to camp on Sunday, changes to Authorized Grown-Ups list, etc. If CML must change or modify pick-up or drop-office procedures, parents/guardians will be contacted by phone and/or email to communicate those changes.

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    Parents are encouraged to deposit money into their campers’ camp store account prior to check in day. This can be done by logging into your Camp Brain account. Funds may be added and balance viewed at anytime by navigating to the Camp Store page within your session details. Campers should not come to camp with any cash in their possession. Most parents/guardians deposit between $25 and $40, which can be used for Camp Manitou-Lin T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, drinks, snacks, and other items. All campers will receive a cabin photo, included in camp costs.

    At any point during the session, you can check your Camp Brain account page to see any remaining balance. You may request a refund by emailing camp@grymca.org. Any unclaimed money will be donated to our Annual Campaign on August 18th, which aids in sending children to camp at a reduced cost.

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    At camp, our Camp Nurse manages all medications. All medications, prescription and over the counter, must be turned in to the Camp Nurse at check in and kept in the original container. At check out, our Camp Nurse will return medications and empty pill bottles. While camp is in session, the Camp Nurse will administer all prescribed medications. Prescription medications can only be administered according to the directions on the label. We are not authorized to dispense medication out of 7-day pill containers. Please send only medications that your child takes on a regular basis. We have basic non-prescription medication (Pepto-Bismol, Tylenol, etc.) available at the Infirma y. If your camper takes multiple medications, please bring all medications in a zip-lock bag. On the front of the bag, write your child’s name and session number in permanent marker. Prescribed medication must be clearly marked with the child’s name, directions for administration, name of medication, name and phone number of physician.

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  • Policies


    Please keep your child home if they are ill and/or running a fever. Children must be symptom-free for at least 72 hours prior to returning to camp. If a child becomes ill during camp, a parent or emergency contact will be notified to pick up the child.

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    Please leave anything of value at home as we cannot ensure its safety. Children tend to borrow, loan, exchange, forget, and find clothes from others. Providing labels on your camper’s things helps us tremendously in getting things back to their rightful owner. We will try to get it all straightened out before they go home, but YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin will not be responsible for clothing and personal property brought from home. Unclaimed lost and found property will be kept for one week following the last day of camp and then donated to local charities.

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    YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin’s core values are Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Inclusion. Our entire camp family is expected to conduct themselves in such a way to model these values at all times. Our daily chapel services, “thought of the day,” and pre-meal graces emphasize these core values and how they can be applied to different parts of the camp experience. The expectation that all campers follow our core values is implemented with great care and respect by our camp staff . We expect campers to follow camp rules, have a positive attitude, try new things, be respectful of others’ space and belongings, be cooperative and helpful, maintain open communication, and have fun!

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    Camp remains in regular operation, rain or shine. Regular camp activities will continue during light rain conditions. During more severe weather, including lightning and thunder or extreme heat, the day’s schedule my be altered and indoor/alternate activities will be provided. In the event of an emergency, we will make every effort to notify parents by phone and email. If necessary, emergency transportation will be handled by 911 and local emergency services.

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    We are unable to prorate camp fees due to scheduling needs or conflicts. All camp fees must be paid by May 25th, 2024. If you register for camp after this date, the entire balance is due upon registration. A $75 deposit holds your child’s spot for camp. This deposit includes a $25 administrative fee. The registration deposit and administrative fee covers all basic administrative costs for each registration. Please give us a minimum of two weeks notice to cancel or change your registrations for camp. No shows for a registered session will result in the forfeiture of the full registration fee. The camp director reserves the right to decline the application of any child, or send home any child who, according to the Director’s discretion, negatively effects other campers experience, or puts themselves or others at risk. If a child is dismissed from camp, there will be no refund issued.

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    Parents/guardians may contact the camp administrators at any time to discuss their camper’s experience by calling 269- 795-9163. Our experience has been that camper telephone conversations with friends or family from home tend to exacerbate homesickness. Therefore, campers do not have unrestricted access to telephones. In the event that a camper requests to call home, permission to do so will be granted by a camp director after staff makes advance contact with the parent/ guardian to discuss the situation. We strongly encourage families to utilize our website that allows for one-way email (from family to camper) as well as photo updates from the week!

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    There are multiple ways you can contact your camper while they are at Manitou-Lin. You can send mail by USPS Mail or drop off a bundle of mail for the whole week on check in day. You can also send a fax to the camp office or submit a message on our website at https://www.grymca.org/camp/message-your-camper/

    Care packages are welcome, but please refrain from sending food as it invites wildlife into your camper’s cabin. While we make no guarantee of being nut-free, we ask families to assist with not bringing products with nuts in it to camp. Care packages to share with the whole cabin, including theme-related decorations, glow sticks, books or games are a great way to create a memory for your camper.

    Please include camper’s name, session and cabin name on all items sent to camp. All e-mail, faxes, and USPS mail must arrive at camp by 10:45 AM for delivery on that day. We encourage campers to write at least one letter home each week. Do not be alarmed if these letters are brief and irregular as the campers are busy at camp. “No news is good news” as far as campers are concerned.

    Address mail to your camper as follows:

    Camper Name, Week #, Cabin Name
    YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin
    1095 N. Briggs Rd.
    Middleville MI 49333

    Fax: 269-795-1629

    Email: Submit your message by visiting https://www.grymca.org/ camp/message-your-camper/

    Photos: View photos of camp activities on SmugMug (https:// campmanitoulin.smugmug.com/ Password: ILOVECAMP). Photos will be uploaded several times throughout the session. Not every photo we take will be posted online; however, we try to post 80-100 photos each day. We serve hundreds of campers each session and cannot guarantee that your camper’s photo will be posted online.

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    Safety is our top priority at Camp Manitou-Lin. A Camp Nurse is in residence at our Infirma y and on call 24 hours a day. Our nurse will contact parents via telephone in the following circumstances:

    1. The camper has been in the infirmary for 24 hours
    2. The camper has a temperature over 100 degrees
    3. The camper needs to go to the doctor or hospital
    4. The nurse needs to perform an invasive procedure (i.e. shot).

    In case of emergency, Pennock Hospital is 12 minutes away and accepts our campers as patients. Emergency transportation is readily available. As indicated on your Registration Form, the YMCA is authorized to secure emergency medical treatment. It is the responsibility of the camper’s parent to provide for the camper’s own accident and health coverage while participating in activities with YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin. Should any serious accident or illness occur at camp, prudent attempts will be made to contact the campers’ parent(s) immediately. We reserve the right to send a child home if our Camp Nurse or physician so advises.

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1. Overnight camp check-in takes place on Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Please do not arrive early, as our staff will not be prepared to welcome campers until 2:00pm.

2. Please use the entrance marked Cheff Lodge YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin and park in our main parking lot. Camp staff will greet you, give your camper’s cabin assignment, and show you where to leave your camper’s luggage. PLEASE BRING ALL MEDICATION SEPARATE FROM YOUR LUGGAGE.

3. If you will be arriving late due to unforeseen circumstances, please call us as soon as possible to communicate those changes by calling us at 269-795-9063. You will check-in at the Welcome Center (by main parking lot) if you are a late arrival.

4. You will be directed to enter Cheff Lodge, where the rest of the check-in process will take place. Our staff will confirm our child’s name, cabin placement, and your contact information. Your child will be screened for head lice. Our Camp Nurse will be present to accept all medications and answer any questions you may have. You will also have the opportunity to speak with our Food Service Director if you have questions or concerns about food allergies or dietary restrictions. Our Camp Store will be open if you would like to purchase any CML gear for your camper before your departure.

5. Campers will be directed towards their cabins by camp staff located around the property. You can walk your child to their cabin, meet their counselors, and help them get settled into their bunk. We aim to have all luggage delivered to cabins before your departure, but we appreciate your patience in the event of a delay.

Cabin groups are assigned by age, grade, and gender. We make every effort to place campers with mutually requested cabin-mates submitted via Camper Information form within your Camp Brain account. We will not be able to accommodate requests made at the time of check-in.

After you have helped your child get unpacked and make their bed, give them a kiss and say goodbye with a big smile! We have found that positive parents help make for positive campers.


Camp sessions end on Friday afternoon and pickup runs from 3:00pm to 5:15pm, sessions conclude via curbside pickup.

1. Pull into the Main Camp Entrance and follow any posted signs that relate to the check out process. If you have a camper in a Day Camp program during the same session, we suggest driving to the Day Camp entrance and picking up that camper before getting in the Overnight Camp checkout line.

2. Camp staff will ask for either a valid photo ID or an overnight camp check-out card (provided during check-in). Please make sure that the adult picking up your camper has been listed as an authorized pickup in your CampBrain account.

3. If you dropped off medication during check-in, the empty container or remaining medication will be returned to you.

4. Camp staff will give you an end-of-session folder. There will be a photo of your camper with their cabin, a note from the camp counselor, information about upcoming events, and an option to make a donation to camp in honor of your child’s favorite camp counselor.

5. We will help gather your camper and their luggage and deliver both to your vehicle.

6. Exit at the south corner and we’ll see you in 2025!


If you need to pick up your camper before 4:30pm on Friday, arrangements must be made with camp administration prior to the last day of camp. Please call or email us to discuss early pick-up needs.


Camp Manitou-Lin has a NO CELL PHONE policy at camp. Not only are cell phones expensive to replace when they are lost or damaged at camp, but cell phones also interfere with your camper becoming more independent. We understand that parents take a leap of faith by sending their campers to spend time away from home. Unfortunately, when wellintentioned parents send a cell phone to camp ‘just in case’ the camper needs to call home, the message is, “We love you but don’t trust that you are ready to solve challenges on your own.” Having a cell phone prevents our counselors and staff f om addressing problems that might arise and using that experience to help your child grow.

We will reach out to you if your camper is experiencing a challenge in their adjustment to camp. You can help by talking to your child before they leave for camp and telling them that there is always someone they can reach out to, whether it be their counselor, a camp specialist, the camp nurse or the camp administration. Cell phones brought to camp will be kept locked and returned to the parent at checkout. Please express your trust in our staff and in your child by insisting cell phones stay at home.

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Please complete your forms online in your Camp Brain account. These forms are due at least two (2) weeks before your child’s session begins. Please take the time to fill these forms out carefully — these are required before a camper can be admitted. If your child is attending more than one week of camp, you only need to fill out one set of forms.

1. Medical Form: Campers cannot be admitted to camp without a fully completed and signed medical form. This important medical information will help our staff p ovide better programs and supervision for your child. Please be as specific as p ssible—all information is completely confident al, and your answers will help guide our staff o provide the best possible experience for your camper. The more information you can provide, the better!

2. Activity Form: This form allows you to select your camper’s afternoon activity that they will attend Monday through Thursday.

3. Camper Information Form: MANDATORY – This form provides us with critical information about your child’s development and readiness for camp. OPTIONAL – You may request ONE trail group mate/ bunk mate request of the same or similar age (within 1-2 years). We do our best to accommodate these requests but do not guarantee a match.

4. Camper Photo: OPTIONAL – Please consider uploading a current photo of your camper under the “documents” section to help us identify them on the first day!

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Families are asked to self-monitor and conduct the following pre-screening procedures for 10 days before the start of their camper’s session:

1. Nobody likes to feel sick at camp, to assist us with this please self-screen for presence of illness in those days leading up to camp.

2. If a camper has been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for or quarantined as a result of COVID-19 in the 10 days leading up to your program, please inform us. Campers may be asked to provide a negative COVID-19 test or reschedule to a future session (at no charge to you).

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There is no formula for when a child is ready for the overnight camp experience, but the number one characteristic of a happy camper is that the camper WANTS to be at camp. The following information can act as a guide to preparing your child for their first time at camp.


Many campers fare better if they are able to see where they’ll be spending a week during the summer. Consider visiting us during one of our summer camp open house dates (May 19, 2024 from 2 to 5pm) to take a guided tour and experience some activities. If you are unable to attend an open house, please call us at 269.795.9163 to arrange a tour with a director.



Developing realistic expectations about camp is important. Spending a week at camp can be a wonderful experience, and it is important to make sure your camper understands it may not be fun every minute – there may be problems to solve, cabins to keep tidy, tables to set and new skills to develop. Learning and challenging yourself is all part of the camp experience. Making friends and building confidence are also integral parts of the camp experience.

Campers should be open to sharing about themselves, trying new things, and helping others. Camp is physically active, with long days spent outside. Participating fully allows for campers to get the most out of their experience.

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At Camp Manitou-Lin, we emphasize the YMCA core values of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility, and inclusion. Although we are guided by Christian principles, we welcome and celebrate campers of all faiths and backgrounds. Daily chapel, thoughts for the day, graces, and vespers emphasize our YMCA core values. These core values are a part of all we do at Camp Manitou-Lin. Our entire camp family is expected to promote themselves in such a way as to model the core values.

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Campers are expected to behave in the safe, Caring, Honest, Respectful, Responsible and Inclusive manner modeled by our staff. Parents will be contacted if camper behavior is not acceptable and parents will be informed about the steps that are being taken to improve the behavior. Failure to abide by YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin’s rules and guidelines can result in dismissal from camp. No refunds are given if a child leaves early because of disruptive behavior as determined by the camp administration.

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Occasionally a camper becomes homesick. Our staff are prepared and trained to respond to homesickness. This can be overcome and will help the camper in developing independence and increased self-respect. Should it be in the best interest of the camper, the camp administration will contact the parent/guardian. Please find additional resources for homesickness at the end of this Parent Guide.

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Be sure to carefully communicate any allergies and dietary restrictions on your camper’s Medical Form, including food allergies. This will ensure our kitchen can prepare appropriate meals and snacks for your child.


We love to celebrate summer camp birthdays! Let us know if your camper has a birthday while at camp so we can snap a photo of them in the Birthday Chair. We will email a copy to you, so you can share in their special day.


Parents/Guardians are expected to provide transportation to and from YMCA Camp Manitou- Lin. Driving directions are available on our website and are included in this packet. If your camper’s travel plan needs to change, please call or email our camp office with that information as soon as possible. This includes late arrival to camp on Sunday, changes to Authorized Grown-Ups list, etc. If CML must change or modify pick-up or drop-office procedures, parents/guardians will be contacted by phone and/or email to communicate those changes.

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Parents are encouraged to deposit money into their campers’ camp store account prior to check in day. This can be done by logging into your Camp Brain account. Funds may be added and balance viewed at anytime by navigating to the Camp Store page within your session details. Campers should not come to camp with any cash in their possession. Most parents/guardians deposit between $25 and $40, which can be used for Camp Manitou-Lin T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, drinks, snacks, and other items. All campers will receive a cabin photo, included in camp costs.

At any point during the session, you can check your Camp Brain account page to see any remaining balance. You may request a refund by emailing camp@grymca.org. Any unclaimed money will be donated to our Annual Campaign on August 18th, which aids in sending children to camp at a reduced cost.

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At camp, our Camp Nurse manages all medications. All medications, prescription and over the counter, must be turned in to the Camp Nurse at check in and kept in the original container. At check out, our Camp Nurse will return medications and empty pill bottles. While camp is in session, the Camp Nurse will administer all prescribed medications. Prescription medications can only be administered according to the directions on the label. We are not authorized to dispense medication out of 7-day pill containers. Please send only medications that your child takes on a regular basis. We have basic non-prescription medication (Pepto-Bismol, Tylenol, etc.) available at the Infirma y. If your camper takes multiple medications, please bring all medications in a zip-lock bag. On the front of the bag, write your child’s name and session number in permanent marker. Prescribed medication must be clearly marked with the child’s name, directions for administration, name of medication, name and phone number of physician.

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Please keep your child home if they are ill and/or running a fever. Children must be symptom-free for at least 72 hours prior to returning to camp. If a child becomes ill during camp, a parent or emergency contact will be notified to pick up the child.

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Please leave anything of value at home as we cannot ensure its safety. Children tend to borrow, loan, exchange, forget, and find clothes from others. Providing labels on your camper’s things helps us tremendously in getting things back to their rightful owner. We will try to get it all straightened out before they go home, but YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin will not be responsible for clothing and personal property brought from home. Unclaimed lost and found property will be kept for one week following the last day of camp and then donated to local charities.

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YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin’s core values are Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Inclusion. Our entire camp family is expected to conduct themselves in such a way to model these values at all times. Our daily chapel services, “thought of the day,” and pre-meal graces emphasize these core values and how they can be applied to different parts of the camp experience. The expectation that all campers follow our core values is implemented with great care and respect by our camp staff . We expect campers to follow camp rules, have a positive attitude, try new things, be respectful of others’ space and belongings, be cooperative and helpful, maintain open communication, and have fun!

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Camp remains in regular operation, rain or shine. Regular camp activities will continue during light rain conditions. During more severe weather, including lightning and thunder or extreme heat, the day’s schedule my be altered and indoor/alternate activities will be provided. In the event of an emergency, we will make every effort to notify parents by phone and email. If necessary, emergency transportation will be handled by 911 and local emergency services.

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We are unable to prorate camp fees due to scheduling needs or conflicts. All camp fees must be paid by May 25th, 2024. If you register for camp after this date, the entire balance is due upon registration. A $75 deposit holds your child’s spot for camp. This deposit includes a $25 administrative fee. The registration deposit and administrative fee covers all basic administrative costs for each registration. Please give us a minimum of two weeks notice to cancel or change your registrations for camp. No shows for a registered session will result in the forfeiture of the full registration fee. The camp director reserves the right to decline the application of any child, or send home any child who, according to the Director’s discretion, negatively effects other campers experience, or puts themselves or others at risk. If a child is dismissed from camp, there will be no refund issued.

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Parents/guardians may contact the camp administrators at any time to discuss their camper’s experience by calling 269- 795-9163. Our experience has been that camper telephone conversations with friends or family from home tend to exacerbate homesickness. Therefore, campers do not have unrestricted access to telephones. In the event that a camper requests to call home, permission to do so will be granted by a camp director after staff makes advance contact with the parent/ guardian to discuss the situation. We strongly encourage families to utilize our website that allows for one-way email (from family to camper) as well as photo updates from the week!

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There are multiple ways you can contact your camper while they are at Manitou-Lin. You can send mail by USPS Mail or drop off a bundle of mail for the whole week on check in day. You can also send a fax to the camp office or submit a message on our website at https://www.grymca.org/camp/message-your-camper/

Care packages are welcome, but please refrain from sending food as it invites wildlife into your camper’s cabin. While we make no guarantee of being nut-free, we ask families to assist with not bringing products with nuts in it to camp. Care packages to share with the whole cabin, including theme-related decorations, glow sticks, books or games are a great way to create a memory for your camper.

Please include camper’s name, session and cabin name on all items sent to camp. All e-mail, faxes, and USPS mail must arrive at camp by 10:45 AM for delivery on that day. We encourage campers to write at least one letter home each week. Do not be alarmed if these letters are brief and irregular as the campers are busy at camp. “No news is good news” as far as campers are concerned.

Address mail to your camper as follows:

Camper Name, Week #, Cabin Name
YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin
1095 N. Briggs Rd.
Middleville MI 49333

Fax: 269-795-1629

Email: Submit your message by visiting https://www.grymca.org/ camp/message-your-camper/

Photos: View photos of camp activities on SmugMug (https:// campmanitoulin.smugmug.com/ Password: ILOVECAMP). Photos will be uploaded several times throughout the session. Not every photo we take will be posted online; however, we try to post 80-100 photos each day. We serve hundreds of campers each session and cannot guarantee that your camper’s photo will be posted online.

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Safety is our top priority at Camp Manitou-Lin. A Camp Nurse is in residence at our Infirma y and on call 24 hours a day. Our nurse will contact parents via telephone in the following circumstances:

1. The camper has been in the infirmary for 24 hours
2. The camper has a temperature over 100 degrees
3. The camper needs to go to the doctor or hospital
4. The nurse needs to perform an invasive procedure (i.e. shot).

In case of emergency, Pennock Hospital is 12 minutes away and accepts our campers as patients. Emergency transportation is readily available. As indicated on your Registration Form, the YMCA is authorized to secure emergency medical treatment. It is the responsibility of the camper’s parent to provide for the camper’s own accident and health coverage while participating in activities with YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin. Should any serious accident or illness occur at camp, prudent attempts will be made to contact the campers’ parent(s) immediately. We reserve the right to send a child home if our Camp Nurse or physician so advises.

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