Childcare Wish List
Providing safe spaces for our community’s youth to learn, grow, and thrive is a priority for the YMCA. To help create those environments of play and exploration, our youth need supplies and games that challenge their minds, encourage dialogue and teamwork, and create an atmosphere of fun.
As you consider the many ways to give to the YMCA, think about the crafts, supplies, and games that lead to transformational experiences. Please consider a gift to our YMCA youth programs when you next stop at a store or shop online.
How to Donate
To deliver your gift:
Purchase gifts from our Child Care Wish List
DROP OFF your gifts at the David D. Hunting YMCA (475 Lake Michigan Ave. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504) with ATTN: Heather Walczewski written on your package
Or MAIL your gifts to 475 Lake Michigan Ave. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 with ATTN: Heather Walczewski written on your package
Wish List Items
Infants and Toddlers (areas of high need)
- Board books
- Boppy pillows
- Crib mirrors
- Musical/light up toys
- Plastic Links
- Rattles
- Teethers
- Texture blocks and balls
Preschool Age
- Bubbles
- Crayons and markers
- Coloring books
- Dolls and doll clothes
- Toy medical kits
- Light up toys/ musical toys
- Lincoln Logs
- Little Tykes and Fischer Price action sets
- Magnatiles
- Matchbox cars
- Nonviolent action figures
- Play-Doh and Kinetic sand
- Play-Doh kits
- Pop up books
- Puzzles (24+pieces)
- Simple games: Memory, Candyland, Chutes & Ladders
- Toy dinosaurs, insects, and animals
- Transportation tracks (cars/trains)
- Washable baby dolls (no cloth)
- Wooden puzzles
School Age
- Books
- Cards: Uno, Skip-Bo, Phase 10, playing cards
- Craft Kits: Painting, beading, jewelry, ink stamp, wooden item, latch hook, bead/string, fabric painting
- Games: Headbands, Operation, Connect Four, Sorry, Trouble, Life, Guess Who, Jenga, Checkers, Kerplunk, Yahtzee, Simon, 20 Questions, Battleship, Scrabble, dominos, Mancala
- Journals
- Legos
- Model kits (cars, planes, boats)
- Puzzles (50+ pieces)
- Sketch pads with drawing pencils and colored pencils
- Word Search, Mad Libs, crossword puzzles, Sodoku
Additional Needs:
Gifts cards to:
- Meijer
- Dollar Store
- Amazon
- Walmart
- Bookstores