Disc Golf Clinic

Join us for an exhilarating and educational youth disc golf clinic designed to introduce the next generation to the joys of this dynamic sport. Our clinic offers a perfect blend of instruction, practice, and play, creating an engaging environment where kids can learn new skills while having a blast.

What to Expect:

Expert Instruction: Led by experienced disc golf enthusiasts, our clinic provides expert guidance on fundamental techniques, throwing mechanics, and course strategies. Our instructors are passionate about sharing their knowledge and fostering a love for the game among young players.

Skill Development Stations: Participants will rotate through skill development stations, focusing on different aspects of the game such as back hand driving, putting, and forehand shots. These stations are designed to improve technique, accuracy, and distance in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere.

Interactive Drills: Engaging drills and exercises are incorporated to reinforce key concepts and enhance muscle memory. Through hands-on activities and challenges, kids will sharpen their skills while enjoying friendly competition with their peers.

Safety First: Safety is our top priority. Our clinic emphasizes the importance of proper disc golf etiquette, including respect for fellow players, wildlife, and the environment.

Equipment Provided: Don’t have your own disc golf gear? No problem! We provide all necessary equipment, including discs, for use during and after the clinic. Just bring your enthusiasm and a sense of adventure!

Inclusive Atmosphere: Our youth disc golf clinic welcomes participants of all skill levels and backgrounds. Whether your child is a complete beginner or a seasoned player, our program offers something for everyone. We foster an inclusive and supportive environment where every participant feels valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.